Monday, July 1, 2013

When You Lose a Little Something: Keeping the Right Perspective

I lost my special NAS Bible. First, I want to say that there are many Christians in this world who would do anything to have one copy of the Bible. And there are those who don't know Jesus who need a copy of the Bible...and need the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to salvation. Having a Bible at all is precious. I'm far too sentimental. I pray for all those right now, who don't have a copy of God's precious Word. Thank You Lord that I have access to Your Word constantly. CONSTANTLY. Thank You!

Now that I've said that first and foremost stuff that is very important, I lost my Bible. Sad. I'm sad about this and am praying that I'll find it. I left it at church two Sundays ago. I can't imagine that it would have been thrown away. EXCEPT that I teach pre-k Sunday school and it could have gotten mixed up with papers. I really don't think it's likely that it was thrown away. I searched over the church Sunday and today when we were on our way to the pediatrician's. I've searched all over my house. I'm almost ready to say goodbye to this special Bible. Here are some of the reasons it's special to me.

  • It was given to me from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary at the graduation ceremony. God took me through 5 1/2 precious years through seminary. I told myself that when I finished I wanted to go through the NASB, and they gave us a copy at the ceremony. It reminds me of that season and journey.
  • It has all of my notes as I ventured through the major and minor prophets. Gulp. That makes me kind of teary-eyed. Those were precious times.
  • I wrote in this Bible, in the margin, the day I found out I was pregnant with Joshua.
  • I wrote in this Bible when we decided to adopt.
  • I made notes in this Bible.
I don't know why I'm posting about it, but since I am, if you attend the South campus at New Hope, and you happen to see a two-toned brown leather NASB with my name on the inside cover...will you let me know. Thanks :) In the meantime. Thank You Lord for giving me Your Word. How spoiled I am to have other copies.

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