Sunday, October 12, 2014

Three Months Home from China

Is it really possible for someone to grow up so much in thirteen weeks? 

He never ceases to amaze us. Daniel loves the outdoors. He walks (toddler runs) faster every day. He climbs anything Joshua climbs, except for on the sofa because it's just too tall. He's gone from nine month clothes to 18-24 month clothes. Even though he was 22 months old the day we met him, we're so blessed to have held him as a baby. Now, no more bottle, no more formula, no more blankets for him to lay on outside, no more pulling up into standing position. He points to what he wants. He climbs up to the bathroom counter and (with help) opens the drawer to get out his toothbrush. He mimics his brother do EVERYTHING. His cousin Colby taught him to give "knucks." He blows kisses, snuggles, waves hello and bye bye, can say in sign language "more, milk, all done" all of which are food related...and he can eat with the best of the Thompson men. And he's no longer picky he can eat anything. Tonight he ate chicken with ketchup, diced sweet potato, collard greens, and yogurt. He laughs at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song. He loves any song with hand motions. He absolutely loves to play with a ball.

Joshua is changing just as rapidly. I love conversations with him. Here is one of my favorites:

Me: Do you know that you, and Daniel, and Faith are mommy's treasures?
Joshua: I not a tea-ure...I just a good man.

This morning when I went to wake him up he said, "Oh I like your earrings. They are bery cute."

Tractors and trucks are his favorite things. We've talked some about seasons, and now he's excited when he see some leaves changing.