It's almost ridiculous the amount of posting I've done this over the last two months. Do you want to know why? Because I'm waiting on one last document before we take our dossier to be state sealed. And I'm all nerves about our adoption. I just type. Every time I have a sensation to "do" something but can do nothing but wait. Yet, in the midst of the nervousness, Joshua is in a stage that is beyond what I ever imagined sweet, leaving me with so many accounts to document.
Lately, he has started putting his hands together to pray. He shows he understands his routine and our instructions. At bedtime we read him a story from his story Bible. Now that he can walk, he doesn't want to sit in our laps. So Nathan and I sit in the middle of the room and read the story with as much inflection as we can conjure up while Joshua darts from one section of the room to the other. After we read the story, we turn out the light and lay down on the floor in the middle of the room and pray. We put our hands together and tell Joshua, "Let's pray." He in response puts his hands together like praying hands and continues to walk around the room while we all pray. Except while praying he will pause periodically and lay his head on one of our stomachs, then stand up again and proceed with walking at toddler speed. Tonight Nathan is working, so it was just Joshua and me at bedtime. After the story, I turned out the light. He put his hands together before I said anything and quickly lay on the floor laughing. He knows the drill. Laughing, I lay down with him and tried to give him a hug (which lasted for an eighth of a second) and we prayed.
After he was in bed I went out to pick blueberries. And saw two Mockingbirds hovering over me from a distance. Then as I made my way around one of the bushes, there he was! Winkin!
See these two posts... the baby birds outside my window winkin, blinkin, and nod
He sat frozen. Then I saw Blinkin.
There he is with one parent on the left. The parents were feeding them. Princess came running through the pasture. One of the birds dove at her head, as if to say "I will peck the cat liter out of you if you don't get your long tail over to that barn and stick with your cat kibbles!" She is now resting on the front porch and seems to have no interest in baby birds.
I'm asking the Lord why I've taken such an interest in this family. Why did he allow me to watch them nest, lay eggs, care for them, hatch them, grow them? Why did He allow me to see them leave the nest for the first time then follow them across the yard?
All day today I've missed them cheeping in their nest. Then tonight I got to see them. See that they were alright. And watch their parents continue to feed them. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the one diving at Princess' head.
Good parents would do ANYTHING for their children.
So I'll just keep praying. With my hands clasped. But I'm having a hard time being still!
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