Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I'm starting to feel the pressure to get our dossier in the mail to China. Everything that is notarized is only good for six months. Our notarized documents are now almost two months old. We have just a certain window of time now. God is sovereign. Remarkably, I haven't been overly nervous about any part of the process until just now. We are waiting for our USCIS approval (approval from US immigration to adopt). They will send us an appointment via mail for fingerprinting. Then we wait again. The process currently takes four to six weeks. We're one week into the wait.

In the meantime here's an update on Jman.

He's kind of toddler jogging. He's climbing. He has a new love: the tractor. Monday when he saw Nathan pull into the driveway after work he jogged down the sidewalk, threw his hands in the air for Nathan to pick him up (also new), and said "ca caw" (tractor)! Ca caw cacaw cacaw!" Of course Nathan took him to sit on the tractor.

He is communicative, but Nathan and I are pretty much the only ones who understand his language. He points, which helps:

mmm mmm mmm (shaking his head--yummy...I like it.)
ugh ugh ugh (waving his hands in front of his face--yucky...I don't like it.)
baa baa (Abby)
bye bye
bu bu (paci...he calls it this because we taught him to say bye bye to his paci in the morning when he wakes up)
kzeez (cheese)
kzeez (keys)
kzoos (shoes)
bu bu (is also belly button)
ba (ball)
ca ca (cracker)
ca caw (tractor)
co (Car)
ca (cat)
ca (is also the Little People captain to his boat)
ahhh (I'm thirsty)
voom voom (any motorized vehicle)
bock bock (chicken...and sometimes any bird)
cack cack (duck)

His favorite songs:
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (he'll throw his hands over his head then clap.
Baby Bumble Bee (this one is new since Nonna and Plow Daddy kept him last week).
Patty Cake (he just claps then throws his hands up.
He dances to any song. The louder the music the better. ;)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pride and Prejudice

One of my many weaknesses is this: I can't read/watch/hear a story without it totally consuming me. Pride and Prejudice was no exception. I think it's been forever since I've read a book for fun, and have never read P and P, nor have I seen the movie or TV series. So every aspect of the plot was a surprise. Though it's not difficult to make me cry, Austin's story won my heart and badge of tears.

I finished it yesterday and now feel like I'm home from vacation. How did I handle the real world? I downloaded another Jane Austin novel...Persuasion. I did discover that Austin died before the book was published and her brother named the novel. So no one knows what she intended to name it. She just called the story "The Elliot's."

Though Jane Austin novels are classic, I admit I only found them because they were listed with the books that could be downloaded for free.


An accurate family update would probably be nice since in my last post I spoke too soon. We haven't sent anything to China. Our dossier is all but one document complete. We've applied for USCIS approval. Basically (I think) this is our approval from US immigration stating that we can adopt internationally. It is estimated to take four to six weeks. Not sure what happens from there.

But I know this: We're making progress. God is good.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Adoption Update: Home Study Approved!!!!!

We received a message in our portal that our home study has been approved!!!! We are getting so close to sending everything off to China!

Now we still need to have two documents re-notarized tomorrow. THIS post explains more about why. We have to have our home study notarized/authenticated. Once again, though, as I think about it, our having to back track a little with those two notaries still doesn't cause us to lose time. We still have to receive the copy of our notarized home study for us to do anything. Once we have everything, we need to scan the entire dossier and send a scanned copy to Bethany for them to proof read. Once they proof read it, we'll take it to Atlanta to be state sealed. Then we make five copies of the sealed dossier and it's off to China!

We could not be happier that we're making process. I have to take a deep breath and remember His timing is perfect.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Trying to Listen

There is nothing I can do presently to advance our adoption process. I'm learning so much about myself, though, as I the days go on.

He speaks to us in many ways. I'm trying to listen.

Joshua and I spent the weekend in Tallassee with my parents. Friday night we went out to eat. Joshua is at a fun age for outings. Everything interests him. On our way out, we saw a double rainbow.

Sunday my mom hosted a baby shower for our good friend, Tasha. Tasha and I have been friends now for eight years. We had the opportunity to talk a bit before the shower, and she shared what God is doing in her life. They were words I needed to hear. Ask Him and listen to Him. On our way home, I confess I felt anxiousness over the coming week. We have a good bit going on and I want this week to involve the next step in our paperwork. I missed my exit off of the interstate so I went an unusual route home. When I came to a four way stop I noticed another rainbow which I followed all the way home. After pulling into my driveway I noticed it was another double rainbow.

I'm reminded of His sovereignty over all creation. Then another mockingbird perched close to my window reminding me I'm His child. His concerned about this life.

In reading through the Gospel of Luke, I've been stuck in chapter 12 for days now.  Some verses that I've read over and over:

vs. 15 "take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

vs. 22-23 "therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. for life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing."


Do you hear what I just heard: "life is more..."

Ponder on that phrase and finish your own sentence without my commentary...

I'm reading Pride and Prejudice. I found it on the Kindle...for free...and was hooked by the third chapter. Luke 12 and this novel attack my sinfulness. I want to listen and be changed.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fingers Trembling and Internet's Slow...and Still Waiting

We're waiting on two more documents for our dossier for adoption. One of them is a pretty big deal. I know that any day now we'll get a message in our portal regarding it's completion. Today I checked email and there was a message saying to check the portal...something about "the document."

My hands were shaking and our Internet was working slowly. Just about that time Joshua decided he really didn't want to play by himself next to my desk. Finally, the portal opened and I discovered that I needed to proofread something.

Still waiting. This is just a glimpse into the life of prospective adoptive families. It's worth every minute.

Every. Minute.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Doctrine for a One-Year-Old...and His Mommy

Here are some songs which I've sought to teach Jman. I've chosen them because of the theological truths they proclaim. I learned these hand motions while serving in Extended session (preschool worship care at our church).

Sovereignty of God

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands: Okay, so He created more than the fact, He's the Creator of the Universe. But the song is the best I can find for teaching His Sovereignty to our one-year-old. We use hand motions. We make a world out of our arms and clap our hands.

He's Got the Whole World (raise our arms above our head to make a semi-circle)
In His hands (clap our hands) (That's his first perfect!)

Trust and Obey
Trust and Obey: This is crucial to the Christian life. Trust comes first. For it is by grace through faith that we are saved in Jesus Christ. Then, our reasonable act of worship and the way we are to love Him is to obey Him.
Trust: (make a "T" with our hands)
Obey: (Make and "O" with our hands)
for there's "No" other way (wave your head and arms for "no")
to be happy  (point to a your smiley face)
in Jesus (Point upward)
Is to
Trust: (make a "T" with our hands)
Obey: (Make and "O" with our hands)
Why do I share this?
  1. I'm keenly aware today that I am a sinner. Nathan and Joshua can attest to the fact that I need to sing this loud and clearly! I need to remember this. And do you know what? There are times that I'm anxious. In fact feeling very anxious, and Joshua will raise his arms over his head. He doesn't know it, but he's preaching to me. He's Got the Whole world in His hands.
  2. I repeat: I need to hear I sing it! Just this morning I was lacking faith! So I'm proclaiming with Joshua this morning.
  3. Did I mention that I learned these hand motions doing extended session at church?! Who says you're missing out on God's message because you serve in the nursery?!?! One week when I was particularly struggling with trusting the Lord, He put the hymn Trust and Obey in my mind. That morning I had extended session. Honestly, I was thinking that I really needed to hear the sermon that Sunday morning, but knew that Jesus wanted me to serve in extended session. That morning during our Bible story time, Mrs. Ginger sang "Trust and Obey" (with the hand motions) with the children. I knew God was speaking directly to me. I don't even think I've told her that yet! God often speaks to us as we serve. So I guess this post is also a "thank you" to Shelly, McCall, Ginger, and Mandy!!!  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Well I know it will be at least one more week.

Tuesday Adoption Adventures! That seems to be what I do on Tuesdays this summer. :) And it's totally worth it!

Today I had almost all of our notaries authenticated. I was rolling along nicely through this process, having gone to Fayette county then to Meriwether. As I spoke with the lady in the Meriwether courthouse, I realized that the notaries for our background checks had expired. Soooo, back to the sheriff's office I drove and scheduled an appointment to have those redone. They were amazingly helpful, though. They aren't going to charge us to redo anything! Thank you, Meriwether County!!! And I have to remind myself that we haven't gotten everything we need for our dossier yet, so we still haven't lost any time.

Next Wednesday we hope to have those two documents notarized and authenticated. Oh how I hope we have everything we need to have our dossier state sealed and ready to send to China by the end of next week.

I know, I keep making these really quick deadlines up in my head. But it sure does sound nice!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bought a Used Burley...a two-seater

The sun was shining today, which meant one thing for us...PLAYING OUTSIDE! We started in the front yard. Joshua walked down the sidewalk towards the gravel driveway, then BOOM! He hit the gravel face forward. My stomach churned and my heart stopped (I think) as he screamed still face down. I picked him up and he planted his head into my chest. Thank the Lord, he didn't have any significant wounds, just some read marks. I don't even think he's bruised. I thought my heart would break. I gave him his paci, and he was okay. We went out a little longer to play with his little tikes basketball goal (thanks Aunt Ruth and Uncle Steve!).

His nap time is around 11:30-12:00 now so once he went down for a nap, I read my Bible and drifted off to sleep as well. I haven't been feeling great for the past couple of days. More tired than usual. Easily nauseated. Feeling, well, pregnant to be frank.

So after Joshua woke up, we decided to take a trip to the store. 1. I was so ready to get out of the house after not going anywhere for a couple of days. 2. Well, I thought a pregnancy test wouldn't hurt.

We drove to Senoia for the afternoon. Outings with him are challenging, but I must say he is a sweet little friend. He did will riding in the stroller. We transitioned back and forth between him riding and walking. He is fascinated with steps, so we bought a Cliff bar from one of the shops, sat on the bench together and shared it, then practiced walking up and down one sidewalk step. He also pulled a lantana bloom off of one plant and held it for the longest time. Sorry Senoia :/

I intended to window shop with him in the stores that were open (most of them are closed on Mondays). I saw the bike shop was open and thought since we had some time to kill I would talk to the guy about bikes. Nathan and I would like to ride bikes at Callaway since we have our membership now. As you can imagine it's quite costly purchasing the bikes and equipment. So, I've been looking for a used two-seater Burley that converts to a jogging stroller. AND the bike shop just so happened to have what we've been looking for at a great price. I've been pricing them on craig's list and new, and we're very pleased with what we paid for a practically new Burley with accessories.

Did I mention it's a two-seater...just perfect for Joshua and that certain someone :)

Of course as soon as I got home I took the pregnancy test. We're NOT pregnant.

I think it's my nerves. I want to get an email SOOOOOO badly that informs us we're ready for the next step with our adoption. For some reason, I'm praying that it will come by Friday and believe that it will happen. I trust His timing.

Tomorrow I plan to go to Fayette, Meriwether and Lee (AL) county offices tomorrow to have notaries authenticated. Then once we get our last document I'll travel to Fulton County for its authentication.

Even though BCS told us their offices were closed today, I found myself a little anxious when I checked my email this morning (as if something could come through) know, sometimes people work on their off days ;)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I found my Bible.

This morning I found my Bible at church. On the playground. Soaking wet. I saw Nathan with it and thought, that's not mine because its so huge. It was huge. It was swollen. I don't even remember carrying it out with me a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, it's still together and readable. I have it out to dry (I don't know how long it will take). It's so heavy that it doesn't flap from the wind of the fan (it looks like it is in the picture, but it's just that thick).

The positives:
  • I have my Bible, even if it's not in great condition.
  • None of the pages are missing.
  • You can still read it.
  • The markings are still there
    • I'm so glad I used pin and colored pencils. If I used markers, they would have run.
  • All of the special life events are still marked.
  • The fact that I left it on the playground is now a part of its story. When my great-grandchildren ask me why its so rugged, I can tell them about my irresponsibility. How special. ;)
  • Did I mention, I have my Bible.
  • I bought a FABULOUS new study Bible from Precept Ministries, the proceeds of which go towards giving away Bibles and study tools around the world.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Little Mockingbird Ministers

It's almost ridiculous the amount of posting I've done this over the last two months. Do you want to know why? Because I'm waiting on one last document before we take our dossier to be state sealed. And I'm all nerves about our adoption. I just type. Every time I have a sensation to "do" something but can do nothing but wait. Yet, in the midst of the nervousness, Joshua is in a stage that is beyond what I ever imagined sweet, leaving me with so many accounts to document.
Lately, he has started putting his hands together to pray. He shows he understands his routine and our instructions. At bedtime we read him a story from his story Bible. Now that he can walk, he doesn't want to sit in our laps. So Nathan and I sit in the middle of the room and read the story with as much inflection as we can conjure up while Joshua darts from one section of the room to the other. After we read the story, we turn out the light and lay down on the floor in the middle of the room and pray. We put our hands together and tell Joshua, "Let's pray." He in response puts his hands together like praying hands and continues to walk around the room while we all pray. Except while praying he will pause periodically and lay his head on one of our stomachs, then stand up again and proceed with walking at toddler speed. Tonight Nathan is working, so it was just Joshua and me at bedtime. After the story, I turned out the light. He put his hands together before I said anything and quickly lay on the floor laughing. He knows the drill. Laughing, I lay down with him and tried to give him a hug (which lasted for an eighth of a second) and we prayed.
After he was in bed I went out to pick blueberries. And saw two Mockingbirds hovering over me from a distance. Then as I made my way around one of the bushes, there he was! Winkin!
He sat frozen. Then I saw Blinkin.
There he is with one parent on the left. The parents were feeding them. Princess came running through the pasture. One of the birds dove at her head, as if to say "I will peck the cat liter out of you if you don't get your long tail over to that barn and stick with your cat kibbles!" She is now resting on the front porch and seems to have no interest in baby birds.

I'm asking the Lord why I've taken such an interest in this family. Why did he allow me to watch them nest, lay eggs, care for them, hatch them, grow them? Why did He allow me to see them leave the nest for the first time then follow them across the yard?



All day today I've missed them cheeping in their nest. Then tonight I got to see them. See that they were alright. And watch their parents continue to feed them. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the one diving at Princess' head.

Good parents would do ANYTHING for their children.

 So I'll just keep praying. With my hands clasped. But I'm having a hard time being still!

His Spatial Awareness: An Observation

After playing with Joshua the other day, Nathan commented on how he is gaining spatial awareness. What moments to watch! We've noticed that Joshua is interested in puzzles. It's part of his personality and what makes him unique. My mother commented the other day that if a door is open, Joshua wants it closed. It's true. He's fascinated with how doors fit into a frame. Tops fit on top of pots. Shapes fit through sorters. His cup fits in the cupholder in his high chair. Balls fit through wholes which lead them through tunnels. So on and so forth...a normal part of development and such a joy to observe.

Today we were sitting at the drawing table. I covered it with paper so he can color freely while sitting at the table. His crayons are in a small green tin bucket. I drew a circle on the paper. Joshua picked up the bucket and placed it into a circle. It was the first time that I've seen him make an association regarding shapes that was "unplanned." I never intended to make a puzzle.

This part of mommyhood is joyfully sweet!

Friday, July 5, 2013

What Will Be Important Determines What is Important.

What is important? Or, what is valuable? We have the ability to choose what to value:

Luke 10:41-42

"Jesus answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'"

The following is not referring to a works based salvation. I am saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Click the text below to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is the Gospel?

I do believe, however, Scripture teaches that we will give account to everything we did during our lives based on several passages, one of which is 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.  Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling,  because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (emphasis mine)

How can I determine what is important? My sin nature is worrisome and over-analytical. How do I decide what to do, what to say, and upon what to concern myself?

One day I'll see the Lord face to face. One day I'll give account for every word, every deed. Now and in that moment I am and will be beyond-words grateful for the Atonement, so thankful for my salvation. What I will think is important (regarding how I lived on earth) in THAT moment is what is important. Period. About what issues will I be thankful for caring?  What actions will I be glad I took? What words will I be glad I spoke? Because really, those are the only issues, actions, and words with value.

That's becoming my litmus test for what should be a concern.

Is it important?

  • Speaking with a gentle tone to Nathan (and well, everyone)? Definitely.
  • Listening to Nathan? Definitely.
  • Going on a date with Nathan? Yes.
  • Giving that bit of money away in Jesus' name? Yes.
  • Sharing the love of Christ in some way with whomever I come in contact? Yes.
  • Taking the time to make that phone call or write that note? Probably.
  • A clean kitchen after every meal?  Probably not.
  • Putting away clothes the day I wash and dry them? Probably not.
  • Dust bunnies under my sofa? Definitely not.
  • Looking my son in the eye when I speak to him? Yes.
  • The color of my car? Definitely not.
  • Looking the cashier in they eye and speaking a kind word? Yes.
  • My outdated wardrobe? NO.
  • Split ends. NO.
  • Taking it slowly so that Joshua can try to do things himself. Yes
  • Taking time to converse with Joshua about my relationship with Jesus and how much Jesus loves him. Yes.

My list probably will increase. These are some that come to mind immediately.

Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod: Winkin spread His Wings

Our Mockingbird family right outside our window, the one I've been talking so much. They've basically become pets. Joshua and I spend so much time in our playroom. We have the perfect view of our pet family. My parents are here for the fourth. My mom and I are Andy Griffith Show fans, so we named our babies Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod after the Mockingbird episode (I think they were baby Mockingbirds in the show???). Winkin spread his wings today (we're gonna call him know I can't get close enough to know the difference). The mom and dad will charge at me. I'm glad. Like I've said before, they're aggressive for a very good reason. Predators are everywhere.

Winkin spread his wings and hopped onto a branch. Then made his way to the ground and hopped across the yard. I couldn't stand the thought of Princess hiding in the shrubs so I made my way outside and of course brought my camera. Once outside I say Mama and Daddy M. perched on the eve and power line with food in their mouths. Winkin made his way to the dwarf magnolia tree and I saw one of his parents bring him food on the ground. I love how their watching over him (or her???)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth

No activities. No fireworks. We did cook out on the grill. Papa and Gammy are here (my parents). We've had a rainy Independence Day. I'm so thankful for this rain. We just went outside for a little fresh air. Nathan is riding Tyke inside the barn and listening to the rain fall on the metal roof. Our mockingbird family (the one outside our playroom window) is doing well ;).

The baby birds are gaining strength and growing larger. I've had the best time watching them from eggs to now fluffing their feathers and stretching their wings. I love their parents' aggressiveness as our cat, Princess, enjoys bird hunting and, well, it would break my heart to see anything happen to them now. I know, it happens. But I don't want to see it.

We cooked hamburgers on the grill, in between rain showers, and thanked the Lord for our freedom. The freedom to worship. Freedom to dream. Freedom to live.

Happy Fourth!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What are the best Apps for toddlers?

I recently purchased a Kindle Fire HD through one of the Amazon sales. I'm pleased with this purchase as I want to teach Joshua about technology. I know there are some toddler friendly apps. I've read what's out there against too much media/technology. I think it's true that too much is unhealthy, but I also think technology can be a good teaching tool. I wanted something for me to sit down with Joshua and let him play along with me. I want to teach him how to use a tablet. Doesn't that sound funny? He's such a little guy! Nonetheless, here are some apps on my phone that he already likes:

  • KidsDoodle (this one is his favorite)
  • Anything Fisherprice
    • Farm Animals (Counting)
    • Shapes
  • PBS Kids...anything 
So I know some fun/educational stuff is out there.

Any suggestions?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Choosing Rest: What I'd Hoped This Week Would Bring

Summertime 2013 is a sweet season at the Thompson house. Joshua is a champion napper. Nathan has Tuesdays off and is outside cutting grass and riding horses today. I'm getting my Bible time in during Joshua's nap. It's rained almost every day in June which means the Lord is watering our flowers far better than I ever could.

I could think about all that I wish were happening right now. I had hoped that our dossier would be on it's way to China this week (one week after Joshua's first birthday). But the Lord's given me grace to just rest. Part of it, perhaps, is the fact that I'm physically tired. June was a bustling month. We traveled, and traveled, and traveled some more. Some of the driving was for happy occasions (celebrating our niece's life at her oh-so-adorable lemonade stand one-year birthday party). Some of the traveling was for saying goodbye to a precious sister in Christ (Raeann went to be with the Lord this past month). We had Kid's Week (VBS) at New Hope and finished that week with Joshua's little birthday celebration. Sunday afternoon, we all crashed. I'm still feeling it. My eyes are heavy and I just relish this time to JUST SIT with my Bible and journal. We've done our part of the paperwork. There is nothing that we can do but wait and TRUST that we are not waiting on man. We are waiting on the LORD, which in fact gives me great confidence.

This was the passage I read today:
Luke 8:19-21
"Then His mother and brothers came to Him, and could not approach Him because of the crowd. And it was told Him by some, who said, 'Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see You.' But He answered and said to them, 'My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.'"

It takes faith to hear the Word and do what it says. It takes the Holy Spirit's discernment. We have so many cultural, etiquette, family, and/or social "laws" that often war against what Scripture is actually saying. We need discernment to understand the will of God and courage to obey what we hear.

I don't really have a way of tying this post together. It's more like a journal entry. Most of my posts are. I don't have time to organize thoughts these days.

So in keeping with the randomness:
  • Our horse Francie was sick last week and is getting better. Nathan takes such good care of our animals. I've been blessed with watching him nurture Francie back to health. Her fever broke and she's eating well again. He's thinking about riding Missy for the first time today! Our animal's names are Dudley, Francie, Missy, Chloe, Abby, and Princess. Can you tell I name pets around here?

  • In my heart, I've said good bye to the Bible I lost at church a few Sundays ago. This is the third time I've mentioned that on's silly really, I feel closure over it now. It's gone. Maybe something good will happen because I lost it.
  • Here's what we have left before we can send our dossier to China.
    • We have one document to receive through mail apart from the home study
    • we will get all notaries authenticated by the county in which document was notarized.
    • when we get our home study approval, we will have it authenticated
    • scan our completed dossier with cover letter/check list
    • send it to Bethany to have proof read
    • take dossier to Atlanta to be state sealed
    • make copies of dossier
    • send dossier to China
  • That looks like a pretty long list. Honestly, though I do vocally proclaim that I trust the Lord, I'm praying that these things happen by the end of next week. There I said it. It could happen. His arm isn't too short.
But in the meantime I'm loving this season of womanhood. Nathan and Joshua are a joy to be with. Our home is a happy place, it's just too big :) We need more people to join the happiness...We're praying for you Thompson child! :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Inductive Study Bible...Thank You, Nathan

It's been two Sundays since I lost my Bible. I searched all over my house and all over the church building. I remember the last time I had it was at church. I don't know where it is. Tonight I looked in my Sunday school bag again. Nathan walked in and looked at me and said "It's gone." I sat on our bed for a minute feeling very sad, but kind of ashamed to cry. So many Christians around the world don't have a Bible or have ONE family Bible. We have several copies around the house. I know I take this for granted.

Nathan was comforting. We lay on the floor, and I said, "if I'm going to lose this Bible that I love, will you pray that where ever it is, He will minister through me losing it?" Nathan prayed for just that. Then he said, "Do you want to go buy another one?" (I like the NASB...that was the only one I had. I've been so drawn the inductive Bible study method.) So we decided that I would buy another one. I went to Precepts Ministries website and purchased the New Inductive Study Bible. I have thought about these off and on as I've been purchasing the study booklets for each book.

I am so excited and so grateful for my new Bible.

The New Inductive Study Bible

Lord, wherever my special NASB is out there, please let it go to good use. I pray someone will find it (if they don't already have it) read it and find life. I pray I will meet them one day. I'm saying good bye to that special season. There is something about seeing the very ink that wrote praises to you the day I found out I was a mommy. There's something about remembering the lessons you taught me in Jeremiah for almost all of 2011-2012, but there is more to come. Thank you for intimacy with You. I pray you will ignite a hunger in all of us for your Word. Thank You. Praise You.

And thank you, Nathan, for leading and loving me. You're amazing!

When You Lose a Little Something: Keeping the Right Perspective

I lost my special NAS Bible. First, I want to say that there are many Christians in this world who would do anything to have one copy of the Bible. And there are those who don't know Jesus who need a copy of the Bible...and need the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to salvation. Having a Bible at all is precious. I'm far too sentimental. I pray for all those right now, who don't have a copy of God's precious Word. Thank You Lord that I have access to Your Word constantly. CONSTANTLY. Thank You!

Now that I've said that first and foremost stuff that is very important, I lost my Bible. Sad. I'm sad about this and am praying that I'll find it. I left it at church two Sundays ago. I can't imagine that it would have been thrown away. EXCEPT that I teach pre-k Sunday school and it could have gotten mixed up with papers. I really don't think it's likely that it was thrown away. I searched over the church Sunday and today when we were on our way to the pediatrician's. I've searched all over my house. I'm almost ready to say goodbye to this special Bible. Here are some of the reasons it's special to me.

  • It was given to me from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary at the graduation ceremony. God took me through 5 1/2 precious years through seminary. I told myself that when I finished I wanted to go through the NASB, and they gave us a copy at the ceremony. It reminds me of that season and journey.
  • It has all of my notes as I ventured through the major and minor prophets. Gulp. That makes me kind of teary-eyed. Those were precious times.
  • I wrote in this Bible, in the margin, the day I found out I was pregnant with Joshua.
  • I wrote in this Bible when we decided to adopt.
  • I made notes in this Bible.
I don't know why I'm posting about it, but since I am, if you attend the South campus at New Hope, and you happen to see a two-toned brown leather NASB with my name on the inside cover...will you let me know. Thanks :) In the meantime. Thank You Lord for giving me Your Word. How spoiled I am to have other copies.

12 Month Wellness Visit

Joshua went for his twelve month wellness visit today with Dr. McMath. I really like his pediatrician, by the way. She's been very supportive with our adoption process as well.

We were able to get the appointment during a time when Nathan could come! We walked into a newly remodeled, sunny exam room, took off his clothes and let him toddle from one end of the room to the other. There is no sitting down for him. We took turns holding him, but he basically wants down. He is obsessed with doors and the exam room had seven of them when including cabinets. So we let him walk until he got to the doors then picked him up and held him. He sat still for some cheerios. I don't realize how active he is until we go somewhere like the doctor's office and there really isn't anything for him to do. At home it just seems natural for him to explore. And at home everything is set up so that I can sit on the floor while he toddles from one activity to the next. It's kind of like that at church as well. He has a definite place where he can play. At this age, Joshua doesn't go a lot of places besides home and church. But none the less, he was very happy in the exam room as long as he was moving.

And he liked Dr. McMath. She gave him something to hold and he played with her stethoscope. He blew her kisses and waved bye-bye.

Then he got his shots.

Thankfully, I happened to ask Nathan if there was a paci in his diaper bag. Nathan (being the awesome dad that he is) had packed his diaper bag for church yesterday and knew right where he could find one. With his paci in place, he lay pretty calmly on the exam table. Nathan held both of his hands. Two nurses stood by his side. I sat like a pansy in the chair on the other end of the room. Yep, I confess that. Between the two of us, Nathan definitely is the parent to nurture him through shots. That's sad to say isn't it. But it's true. I hate needles. They make me queasy. And our poor little guy got stuck with three of them today. He cried and Nathan held him, then I held him. That poor nurse. She's such a sweet lady. He didn't blow her kisses or wave bye-bye to her on our way out. He was done with that place. He was done toddling around. And he was sound asleep before we made it out of the parking lot. I gave him some Tylenol and put him down for a nap at about 3:30. He's still sleeping.

Those experiences are no fun. Getting a shot or multiple shots are no fun, but thank You, Lord, for vaccines that prevent diseases! They are a blessing! And thank you for a great report for our little Jman!