Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beginning an Adoption Journey

The reason I haven't posted in almost a month is that we've been sharing with family what God is calling us to do. I have so much updating to do that I feel overwhelmed with the idea of goes.

Nathan and I have said for a long time that one day we would like to adopt. We also believed that we are to adopt from China first. We sense God telling us that the "one day" is approaching. A flood of emotions burst through me when I say these words. If I were sitting with you in person sharing our desire then inevitably I'd be in tears (sharing out loud does that to me).

We are adopting.

Part of my tears come from the fact that as of today, we do not have the money. How amazing that God gives us desires to do things beyond our reach. His arm is not too short! Don't get me wrong, I am more than blessed with a wonderful husband who works extremely hard. He is responsible with money and is a man after God's heart. He is a man of integrity and keeps his word to the best of his ability. I know...I live with him. Oh I am so blessed. Please don't interpret this as pouting, but we want to adopt and do not have the financial resources to do so as of today. This in and of itself is a blessing...because in the next year we get to see God work. I will keep you updated. I I BEG...please pray for us as we seek His will.

We wait for God. We do not wait idly, however. We are not spending our usual amount of money waiting for God to send the check in the mail...Although we would certainly welcome Him to send one ;) We are saving all that we can and selling all that we can. As in I'm wrapping pennies, couponing, saying "no" to purchases I can survive without, scrupulously counting the miles on my vehicle, and planning my schedule so that I do the least amount of driving possible. And Nathan HE IS SELLING HIS HORSES for this season. Um if you know him, you know the depth of sacrifice this is for him. Why do it?

Because one day...Oh one day Nathan and I will hold an orphaned child in our arms, give them a new name...Thompson, forever love them as our child, and introduce them to their Lord and Savior. Just as my Heavenly Father took me in through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, gave me a new name, and forever loves me as His child. For some reason, He chose to redeem my frail and feeble...down right depraved soul...and adopt me as His child. (Ephesians 1).

I should also share that we aren't adopting because of infertility. We would rejoice to find out I am pregnant. What a blessing that would be! We believe that God is calling us to be an adoptive family in addition to having children naturally (should He choose to give them to us). To say "God is calling" is an intense statement. From where else would such deep longings come? Nathan said to me the other day, "I process things differently than you. Most of the time I make a decision and carry through because I believe that it is the right decision. But when I tell people about this decision...I get excited. I can't wait to hold our child."

So will you pray for us? Will you pray for this process? Pray for guidance, wisdom. Please pray that God will increase our faith and give us energy and creativity to raise funds. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love hearing this!! I will pray, pray. I have been feeling such a burden for orphans lately, and I have been praying, asking God to show me how to respond to that burden. I am praying for you, friend!!!! I can't wait to see all the ways that God provides. Keep us posted!!
