Below is what I wrote last night and I never posted it.
Tonight after we found Joshua's little tractor, rocked for just a little while, and put the boys down to bed, I stood in the corner of our kitchen (facing the corner) eating Fruity Hoops (from Dollar General) for at least five minutes before I finished my evening chores. I'm tired, but we had a good day. No day is without any meltdowns between the two toddlers and a preggo-momma. I contributed one to the list today. I cried when the boys woke up from nap. I was lying on the floor in the living room reading when they woke up, and instead of thanking the Lord for giving me almost two hours, I cried. But, yes, thank You Lord for two hours. :) I wanted to stay on the floor and sleep until tomorrow morning. I don't think they saw any tears. ;) When I stop and think about our day it went really well.
We played outside and we even got out paint! I've always wondered if I could handle two toddlers painting in the house at the same time, but we did it. Daniel is not ready for the art table, so I moved his booster seat with a tray to the art room which is the walk-in closet that goes to the playroom-supposed to be bedroom. The booster seat is attached to one of the art table chairs. Daniel "painted" strapped into the chair and Joshua painted on the easel. When I say we painted, it lasted all of four minutes. Then we were done. Joshua's blob of red paint was none other than a red tractor according to him. Joshua is highly motivated by tractors. He'll attempt to cut with scissors if he's cutting pictures of tractors from catalogs (thank you Tractor Supply).
Last weekend was full of firsts. Nathan's side of the family traveled down to see us and be with Daniel for the first time. My brother and sister-in-law and our niece spent the night Friday and Nathan's parents and grandparents joined us Saturday. Daniel took to everyone! He did so well. He even played outside, swimming in the baby pool and sitting in the grass rolling a ball. They brought so much food we've been eating supper off of it all week. Seriously, we won't need to cook again until Friday and my parents are coming with supper then!
Joshua went home with Denise and Randy. He stayed in Scottsboro from Saturday to Tuesday and didn't want to come home. :) This was his first time to stay overnight at their house without us. He was telling me "Bye bye" before we opened their car door. They went swimming, played at the splash park, visited family, rode the pony and cart, and played with Nathan and Layne's old metal tractor and parts. I met Denise and Mamaw halfway yesterday to bring him home and was so happy to see that little face. It was good for him to get some special attention.
Some Joshua Quotes:
Joshua at Papaw's House (he loves Papaw): That Papaw is a hugger.
"Joshua have sleepy eyes. Josh-u not go to seep in Nonna and Plow Daddy's car.
"Josh-u is Nonna's iddle angel"
Dese fench fies is so good. Daddy always eats dese"
He's talking all of the time now. His response to our telling him that there is a baby in my tummy: "And Josh-u have a baby in his belly button."
Daniel went to church with us for the first time, and loved it!!! He stayed with us. Nathan and I are going to take turns going into the worship service and Sunday school. The first half of our time there Daniel clung to Nathan, and the second half he was completely comfortable!
Daniel had his evaluation with Babies Can't Wait and it went very well. He will receive some services through their program as well as through Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. He is walking more and more each day. Now he can push off of furniture and walk almost across the room. We're working on standing up from crawling or sitting position. Physical Therapists are amazing! They've given us several ways to encourage standing from the floor that are easy to incorporate into our day.
Baby #3 is due February 22. I'm 11 weeks and definitely showing. Of course, it may be all the Fruity Hoops and Gatorade.
I love that you stood in the corner eating "fruity hoops." I can relate to every bit of that scenario!! Praying for you--I can only imagine the exhaustion (and the joy!!). I will pray that God multiplies the rest that you do get